~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [888]360 1564 Literature Representative - Marilyn G 360-298-1320 360-679-4943 Website maintained by PO Box 2711 Friday Harbor, WA 98250 USA |
Need Literature? Find Marilyn G, our local Literature Rep. She attends some of our weekly meetings, or ask another member how to reach her. Note: recent AA Literature price increases effective April 2023. Wednesdy Night 12 & 12 IN-PERSON Meeting has moved in both time and space! 395 spring street--- Starting 1/17/24 @5:15 PM Other On-Line Meeting reference https://aa-intergroup.org/oiaa/meetings/ Check out "Links" for District 46 and Area 72 information - LOTS of information available to you. CSC 7th Tradition: PO Box 2711 Friday Harbor, WA 98250 for mailing. Checks payable to CSC, or Venmo, @cscsjiaa --Please identify your Group # on text. AA group name and group # listed on Schedule Contribute GSO on-line aa.org - Sending contributions electronically saves money for GSO!or MAIL: 7th Tradition (effective immediately): General Service Office, P.O. Box 2407, James A Farley Station, New York, NY 10116-2407 - (checks Payable to General Service Board)Please pass on our local website address to ANY member in need: sjiaa.net District 46 Business meeting - Meetings are Hybrid! 3rd Saturday morning of the month, @ 10:00am-12:30pm. Contact Dina M for on-line Zoom meeting info, if interested in attending. All AA members are welcome! or see website: district46aawa.org Public Information / Cooperation with the Professional Community About A.A.
A.A. does not:
How many days do you have today?See how many years, days, hours, minutes, seconds you have of sobriety. It's amazing what can happen one day at a time! 2/25/2024 |